
Friday, February 7, 2014


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While drugs just suppress symptoms, spectacular new food & vitamin cures from award-winning
Dr. Jonathan V. Wright can beat your symptoms and
  • EMPHYSEMA TURNED ERWIN BLUE but now he's in the pink again
  • THERESA'S HUSBAND WAS "LOSING IT" but he's sharp as a razor now
  • HARRY'S KNEES WERE SO SWOLLEN he needed a cane, but 10 years of agony vanished
  • RON DROPS HIS CHOLESTEROL 180 POINTS without low-fat dieting or drugs
  • THEY TOLD JOAN SHE WAS GOING BLIND but now there's "no trace of macular degeneration"
  • FRED K.'S BLOOD PRESSURE PLUNGES 40 POINTS and he no longer needs beta and calcium-channel blockers
A few years ago, the medical establishment hounded
JONATHAN V. WRIGHT M.D. for his maverick approach
to medicine, but now he's winning awards for it!
WHY? See for yourself as you learn how to
cure the actual causes of your own hurts...
Dear Friend:
Not long ago, doctors from all over the world attended a ceremony unique in the annals of modern medicine.
They had gathered to bestow a very special award on a man whom many believe to be one of the greatest medical geniuses of our time:

and they awarded him the very first Linus Pauling Award for
Lifetime Achievement in Natural Medicine...

Because Dr. Wright isn't just respected by his peers, he's a hero. In many ways, he's the reason we now have the life-giving miracle called natural medicine.
He championed it against all odds, braving ridicule, hostility and even a band of armed thugs sent to trash his clinic. (No kidding, keep reading.) And because he fought so hard, now it really is possible to:
  • Outdo cholesterol drugs...
  • Outfight failing antibiotics...
  • Eliminate your need for painkillers...
With new breakthroughs that do much more , yet are as natural and non-invasive as SUGAR and MUSTARD. Incredible as it sounds, it's really happening - because Dr. Wright's brilliant mind is constantly pushing the envelope:
  • While others attack just one problem of type II diabetes (high blood sugar), Dr. Wright thinks bigger...and shows us how a strange plant extract takes on three potentially deadly blood problems at the same time...
  • While old-style cancer research gives us poisons that temporarily shrink tumors...Dr. Wright comes forth with a mustard extract that erases up to 50% of this type of very early cancer.
  • While the latest drugs dull your pain for just a few hours...Dr. Wright gives us a food cure that can eliminate joint pain and swelling forever.
Hard to believe? Check out the proof in this special report. As you'll see, Dr. Wright's famed "food and vitamin cures" have been carefully tested in many different studies. They're already reaping fantastic results for tens of thousands of patients...

And they can happen for you too

In the following paragraphs, you'll learn about just a few of these breakthroughs...discoveries so profound, they'll totally change the nature of what doctors can do for you in years to come.
But why wait years? JUST SAY YES today and I'll be pleased to send you 7 FREE BONUS GIFTS detailingall of Dr. Wright's most valuable new breakthroughs.
Whether you want to restore your own health, or help a parent, spouse or loved one...
This FREE 7-VOLUME BONUS Library of Food & Vitamin Cures will show you how to get healthier than you ever dreamed, without surgery, drugs, radiation or anything else more dangerous than...


They've told you that all sugar is bad, but SURPRISE...

Dr. Wright has discovered that, much like fats, there are "bad" and "good" sugars, and the difference can transform your health in days - or even minutes.

"BAD" sugars attract
dangerous germs...

You see, sugar isn't just sweet for us - germs love it too. The sugar in your body sends out chemical signals that draw them like moths to a flame. By reading the "sugar code" on your cell walls, these pathogens target cells all over your body. But what if you could turn that secret code against your microbial enemies? Incredibly, now you can, with...

"GOOD" sugars
that disable germs

These "exotic" varieties aren't found in table sugar, but they do show up in small quantities in certain fruits, like cranberries. Their molecules are just a little different, but it makes a huge difference to germs...
Instead of just waiting to be eaten, these good sugars overwhelm germs by jamming their chemical "radar" and blocking the cellular receptors these pathogens grab hold of (kind of like coating your cells with Teflon). Suddenly, germs have a hard time even finding your cells - but if they do manage to locate a few, they're too slippery to cling to. Because they can't hang on, your body fluids then wash these germs away harmlessly. Too good to be true? WRONG. Dr. Wright has found sugars that do exactly this.
Take "Sugar X", for example. Also known as xylitol, it looks and tastes a lot like ordinary table sugar, but actually disables bacteria...

What better place to test a "good" sugar
than in your mouth?

To start with, researchers created a gum made from Xylitol. Amazingly, people who chewed it got 80% less tooth decay , even though they didn't change their eating habits. But it gets better...

CONQUER tooth decay with sugar?
Strange but true...

Five years later, they studied the teeth of the same people after they hadn't chewed Sugar X for the last 5 years...
And they had significantly less decay! Strangely, the anti-germ effect was stronger than ever, even though they hadn't eaten a thing containing Sugar X. It was as if the bacteria population actually declined in their mouths. (Wouldn't you call that a cure?)
Now the obvious question is...

Can the same thing work for
more serious diseases?

For example, a colleague of Dr. Wright's reportedly placed Sugar X in a nose spray and gave it to people with chronic ear and sinus infections. He said lifelong sufferers were shocked to find...

Sinus and ear infections were

Yes, this same sugar "unsticks" the germs in your nose, sinuses and ear canals! Spray it in, wait a bit, blow your nose, and away go the bacteria.
You can feel the difference in minutes. If you're a sinus sufferer, or know a child tortured by ear infections, think of what this means. Instead of being doomed to a lifetime of antibiotics and all the nasty side-effects they more diarrhea and cramps, no more yeast overgrowths, no more fatigue, no more suffering, period.
But that's just the start, because now...

Sugar X proves equally miraculous for

In addition to washing out germs, it apparently works the same magic on pollutants, pollen grains and other allergens that attach to your mucous membranes, triggering hay fever and asthma attacks. Suddenly, all those micro-particles get "unstuck" and slip away.

And there's similar sweet news about

If you or your spouse have ever suffered these painful attacks, I don't have to tell you what antibiotics can't do. They can't keep the infection from bouncing back as soon as the drugs stop.
Worse, the germs quickly gain immunity to the antibiotic. Drugs like penicillin that used to work well must now be taken at triple the old dosage. In a frightening number of new cases, they can't kill the bugs at all...

"Sugar M" washes out bugs that resist

The scientific name for this miraculous sugar is D-Mannose. And it has already proved a godsend forhundreds of patients at Dr. Wright's clinic, and readers of Nutrition & Healing who have tried it themselves. In most cases, patients are infection free in less than 48 hours. The bacteria become so slippery they can no longer cling to your cell walls. You literally flush them down the toilet.
More good news. These healing sugars even taste delicious, yet...

They don't make you fat, because they
"slip-slide" right through your digestive system.

They can even help you lose weight...

Are you starting to see why so many doctors are starting to study Dr. Wright's theories? His solutions don't just stave off disease, they wipe it out for good.
Yet all this is just the beginning. Think even bigger. Like diabetes...

"Can you beat type II diabetes
with a COMMON WEED ?!"

Actually, it's even more astonishing than that...

EVEN IF YOU'VE BEEN BLISSFULLY IGNORING your doctor's advice for years, drinking, eating the wrong foods, not getting enough exercise...
Maybe you won't have to pay the piper after all. Dr. Wright recently revealed details about an all-natural extract from a common, thorny shrub with the potential to do diabetics more good than the latest blood sugar-controlling drugs.
Unlike dangerous drugs that simply regulate insulin, this natural extract does just about everything your body could desire. A ground breaking study showed that it could:
  • Cut fasting blood sugar as much as 35%...
  • Slash post-meal blood sugar by up to 44%...
Getting the picture? Did you just get a second chance?

Maybe you're still skeptical.
It's only natural...

After all, so were a lot of scientists. They proceeded to test the shrub extract against Metformin® -- the number one prescription drug for type II diabetics -- in a 3-month pilot study. The shrub extract miracle whomped the drug. No controlled blood sugar just as well as the drug -- but it was its effects on cholesterol that were truly startling...
Compared to the Metformin group, the lucky people that got the extract saw a significant decrease in total cholesterol and dangerous triglycerides.
The results leave little room for doubt...
This may very well be a blessed miracle for type II diabetics. But this most amazing of "plant cures" has even more tricks up its sleeve...
For example, it's a natural antibiotic. Infections don't stand a chance...staph, strep, salmonella. Even trachoma, a major source of Third World blindness... All wiped out by this wonder plant.
Scientists are now studying it as a promising solution in the fight against cardiovascular disease and Alzheimer's...Just say yes today and I'll be pleased to send you all your gifts FREE.
And in case you're wondering...

Why didn't my own doctor
tell me about this?

Great question. That's exactly why many thousands of caring physicians -- alternative and traditional-minded doctors alike -- are flocking to Dr. Wright's seminars and subscribing to Nutrition & Healing.
Because he's always pushing beyond medicine's old "comfort zone." Challenging smug assumptions. Coming up with dazzling new solutions to puzzles that have eluded tradition-bound doctors for years.
This is also where many doctors found out for the first time about...

makes female cancers vanish

You knew vegetables can stave off cancer, but cure it?

SUDDENLY, A DOOR JUST OPENED into a brand new world where miracles are possible even for cancer patients.
This stuff is so harmless, you could (and probably should) take some every day just to be on the safe side. Yet it's so powerful, even I was blown away when Dr. Wright delivered the breathtaking news...

in nearly 50% of cases by an extract
from vegetables you eat for dinner

Thirty women with an early form of cervical cancer took part in this breakthrough research. And within just 12 weeks...

Nearly half the women who ate
the extract became

The results shocked nearly every researcher who saw them, except Dr. Wright.
He had already been advising his patients to devour these veggies with gusto. They're commonly called the mustard family - mustard, broccoli, cauliflower, bok choy, cabbage and brussels sprouts all belong to the club.

They contain lots of good stuff,
but their best secret is

And ending cervical cancer is just the start of what I3C could do for us. It may also prove to be...
A long-sought key to combatting
And every other kind of cancer that feeds on female sex hormones . Instead of attacking cancer cells, I3C reverses their ability to convert your estrogen mix from "bad" to "good."
Yes, there's "bad" and "good" estrogen! (This has nothing to do with progesterone.) Dr. Wright is famous for having written about this long ago. And he confirmed they've got to be balanced, just like good and bad cholesterol, because...
  • BAD ESTROGEN feeds cancer in your breasts and sex organ tissues...
  • GOOD ESTROGEN inhibits this out-of-control cell growth...
It's a big reason why some women are more prone to cancer than others. It's the type of estrogen in your body that makes the difference. You'll find full details on how to check and correct your own estrogen balance in your FREE BONUS Library of Food & Vitamin Cures, so please do take the opportunity to subscribe now.
Here's where you'll also find the shocking secret that could save millions of men from prostate cancer...

How standard prostate therapy is encouraging cancer and


Nearly all American men get prostate
cancer if they live long enough.

Know why? The truth may appall you...

IT'S COME TO THE POINT where they're telling men that prostate cancer is normal. Autopsies on a frightening number of American men are showing traces of prostate cancer and many authorities are simply admitting defeat.
But not Dr. Wright. For years, he's been warning us that established theories are dead wrong and the latest research reveals he was right all along. Contrary to popular wisdom...

SURPRISE! The bad guy is not just
your testosterone...

How could it be? As Dr. Wright has long maintained, prostate cancer rates soar in men exactly at the age when their testosterone production plummets. What's more...

It may not even be
your DHT testosterone...

Some authorities argued that a special kind of testosterone is to blame -- so-called "bad" testosterone or DHT. They blamed DHT for causing both prostate cancer and benign swelling.
Drug firms developed powerful blockers (like Proscar®) to suppress DHT, and promoted them with huge ad campaigns, even though they're known to cause impotence in many men.
So if DHT testosterone causes cancer, these "wonder" drugs should prevent it, right? But guess what? When researchers at the University of Southern California studied men at high risk for prostate cancer...

Men taking the drugs were 750% more likely

So if testosterone isn't the problem, what is? How about this for an eye-opener:

Today, many American men over 60
have more ESTROGEN in their
bloodstream than a 60-year-old WOMAN!

ESTROGEN! The "female" hormone! Now, it's natural for men to have a little estrogen in their bodies, just as healthy women need a little testosterone. But too much estrogen isn't just bad for a man, it's catastrophic.

Suddenly, it all makes sense.
Prostate cancer and benign prostate
swelling and so-called "male menopause"...

Is it any wonder the prostates of so many men are swelling and growing tumors?
Is it any wonder that millions of strong, healthy, alert men are changing into frail, chronically ill, mentally dull, old codgers who haven't had an erection in decades and couldn't care less if they did?
But where is all this excess estrogen coming from? Strange as it sounds, studies now confirm that if you're a man over 40...

Much of your testosterone may be

Weird as it sounds, testosterone-to-estrogen conversion is a well-known chemical process. It's very normal and desirable for women and again, a little estrogen is normal in men, but in way too many cases it's out of control.
Part of the problem could be the well documented effects of literally dozens of common pesticides and herbicides. Another part could be estrogen-mimicking "health" foods that men and women are being told to eat. But at least one other major culprit is to blame...
FACT: Excess insulin, even a little excess, over-stimulates the enzyme that transforms testosterone into estrogen, resulting in too much estrogen. After age 40, it's estimated that over one in three American men have this excess and it is likely they also have too much estrogen.
But there's no need to put up with this plague for even one more day. Dr. Wright has been leading the charge in male hormone research for many years, and in your FREE BONUS Library of Food & Vitamin Cures he'll show you a blessedly safe and simple way to defeat this secret enemy...

"Passionate" herb banishes excess male estrogen

It's a natural extract from the passionflower that's safe, cheap and readily available. Even if you're wary of taking testosterone-boosters, this herb's a no-brainer. It doesn't change the amount of testosterone you're making, but stops it from turning into estrogen in most cases.
Dr. Wright reports that his male patients who simply take this harmless herb often regain their healthy testosterone balance in as little as a month.

And restoring healthy testosterone levels
can revive a lot more than your prostate...

As hundreds of Dr. Wright's male patients can attest, you may feel like you took a Jacuzzi-bath in the fountain of youth...
  • It can rejuvenate your SEX LIFE...
  • Reverse years of DEPRESSION...
  • Slash your risk of HEART DISEASE...
  • Relieve problems from INSOMNIA to OSTEOPOROSIS...
Every man who feels even a little "behind the curve" should know the truth about testosterone. So subscribe today and get your FREE BONUS Library of Food & Vitamin Cures. And find out also...


restores lost vision, reverses memory loss and
ends countless other diseases of aging, too

HOLD A NICKEL IN FRONT OF EACH EYE. Don't move your head. Then try to read...
That's what the world looked like to Sam P. when he first visited Dr. Wright. His macular degeneration had gotten so bad, he didn't even feel safe driving his car anymore.
"My eye doctor says that since the vitamin and mineral pills he gave me don't make any difference, there's nothing left to do," Sam worried. "I can't face going blind."
But it took just 30 days for Sam to reverse his vision loss...

and 8 years later he's still doing great

HOW? What on earth did Dr. Wright do that never even occurred to Sam's eye specialist?
Something incredibly strange-sounding. He checked the acid levels in Sam's stomach.
WHY? Because, years ago, Dr. Wright made a revolutionary discovery...

Nearly half of all Americans over 50 lack the
stomach acid to digest their food fully,
let alone absorb vitamin pills

That's right. Drug companies have cast your stomach acid as a villain, but it's the very foundation of good nutrition. Bear in mind that a healthy stomach needs enough acid to reduce all the solids you eat to soup...
Otherwise your gut simply can't handle what's passing through. You may as well be throwing your veggies and vitamins in the trash...

And this is why so many Americans
are growing misty-eyed
forgetful and creaky before their time

Now I know what you're probably wondering. "Not enough stomach acid? How could this be? What about all the heartburn we've got? What about all the commercials for antacids and acid-blockers?"

"Everyone knows that heartburn's caused by
too much acid..."

But hold it right there. Just how do they know? Has anyone actually measured the acidity of your stomach? For that matter, have you ever heard of any doctor measuring stomach acidity?
Well, Dr. Wright does measure it, and he's kept careful figures on patients who complain of heartburn and other stomach ailments. Guess what. Over 90% of them don't have too much stomach acid, but too little...

And when they take supplements to increasethe acid, the heartburn goes away forever

Wild, huh? But there's a logical explanation, as you'll see in your FREE BONUS Library of Food & Vitamin Cures. And when ailing patients correct this "minor" problem...often everything else clicks into place.

Their vision, memory - and good spirits -
all come rushing back

Makes sense, doesn't it? If you can't break down your food, medically speaking, you're starving to death. You could be eating six meals a day, you could even be overweight, yet if your stomach acid isn't up to snuff, most of the nutrients never get absorbed. But when you restore healthy acidity...
Vision problems disappear, because at last all those veggies and vitamins can go to work.
Memory problems and depression vanish, because healthy stomach acid also breaks protein down intoessential amino acids that power your nerve cells. Suddenly, your brain is wired and working again!
You don't get sick as often because healthy stomach acid kills off dangerous parasites and bacteria...
And, in fact, as you'll see in your FREE BONUS Library of Food & Vitamin Cures, there's hardly any "disease of aging" that can't be helped to a surprising extent by correcting this simple problem.

I realize this is a mind-bender,
but do your loved ones a favor...

If they seem to be losing their mental or visual sharpness, don't write it off to Father Time. Check out the proof in your FREE BONUS Library of Food & Vitamin Cures. And find out why Dr. Wright is such a legend among patients who thought they were just feeling their age. Like...

Hernando's arteries were so badly diseased,
he could barely walk...

He told Dr. Wright, "I'm just waiting around for things to get bad enough so I can have my legs amputated." But Dr. Wright found that Hernando had very low stomach acid and when they corrected it, and provided the nutrients he'd been missing for years, Hernando's arteries got younger. Now he says he hikes "at least two miles, three times a week, without sitting down once!"

Harry's knees were so swollen,
he needed a cane to get out of a chair...

And his neck, spine and knuckles all throbbed with osteoarthritis too. But when Dr. Wright fixed his digestive problem, Harry bounced back like a new rubber ball. He felt better in just four weeks, and not long after, all the pain and swelling ceased. Ten years of agony vanished just like that and never came back.
And speaking of joint pain...

Dr. Wright's astonishing

now confirmed by landmark discovery...

"I KNOW THERE AREN'T ANY CURES," Theresa C. told Dr. Wright.
"I don't expect some of my joints will ever look normal again."
But Theresa was wrong and is she ever happy for that! Before long, her pain and her joint deformities were almost entirely gone. She stopped her 12 daily pain pills because she just didn't need them.
Astonishing? But to Dr. Wright, this "miracle" was quite routine. For years, he's seen the same treatment for inflammatory arthritis heal patient after patient...

New research now confirms Dr. Wright is onto yet another huge breakthrough

He's recognized the healing potential in a little known discovery by Dr. James Breneman -- the secret culprit hiding behind a large percentage of joint pain and more than 50% of all undiagnosed illness...
It's called low-level food sensitivity. And what it means is that your body can't tolerate certain foods. Oh, you won't break out in hives, but they will trigger immune reactions. Before long, you come down with a full-blown autoimmune condition, like arthritis, lupus, asthma, colitis, Graves' disease, chronic fatigue...
Yet if you simply stop the offending food, the problem melts away like snow in the spring. Want proof? Dr. Wright's track record is quite convincing by itself, but now there's plenty more evidence too...

100 patients totally cured of "incurable" lupus

An Australian colleague of Dr. Wright's - Dr. Christopher Reading of Sydney - treated 100 people with so-called "incurable" lupus. All of them had full-blown symptoms (which include joint pain, fever and skin rash) and they weren't just imagining it. They all tested positive for lupus in blood tests.
Yet soon their symptoms vanished and five years later all blood tests came up negative. They were cured.
And all they really did was take some vitamins and cut a few foods from their diet...
Eliminating all grains except rice and corn. You see, these lupus sufferers all shared a sensitivity to gluten, a protein contained in wheat, rye, barley, spelt and oats, but not in corn or rice. And now, research reveals it's...

The secret tormentor of 90 million Americans

A landmark book links this same grain sensitivity to joint pain, cancer, depression, brain disorders...even osteoporosis. The research estimates that as many as 90 million Americans are suffering without even suspecting the cause...

And genetic research clinches it...

Cutting-edge research reveals that many people with autoimmune diseases share certain genetic commonalities that are known markers for extreme gluten intolerance.
And Dr. Wright has found that when he treats the food intolerance, the other problems fade away...without any need for prednisone or other immune-system destroying medicines. The results are fantastic.

Is YOUR PAIN from grain?

You may be secretly sensitive to grain, or dairy or something else you never suspected - but why guess? Get full details on how to test yourself and clear up the problem for good in your FREE BONUS Library of Food & Vitamin Cures, where you'll also discover how to...


and your suffering down to nothing

CAN YOU REALLY CUT YOUR HEALTH CARE COSTS IN HALF? Before you dismiss this as hype, let's look at the facts. A few years ago, a corporate study on a group of people proved that...

Just one breakthrough used by Dr. Wright
helped cut all their long-term health problems
by more than 50%...

Dr. Wright has maintained for some time that we could cut our undiagnosed symptoms in half simply by identifying our hidden food sensitivities. Now there's more proof that he's right on the money.
In 1998, a major American corporation commissioned a study that included a measure of the actual health effects of detecting and correcting food sensitivities.
Here are the results:
  • When a group of participants were surveyed, they reported that well over half of their symptoms were reduced.
  • Every single person included in the final evaluation who turned out to have food and/or other sensitivities experienced partial or total relief.
  • The group saved an average of $1,271 per person, in one year, in health care costs. (And that's not including the enormous hospital costs that they avoided.)
That's how incredibly powerful Dr. Wright's "new medicine" is. That's why he's such a legend among so many doctors and patients.
And that's why I urge you to seize upon his new kind of healing today...
Stop treating your pain only to see it come bouncing back...
Start eliminating the cause and feel your entire body bounce back, often faster than you ever dared imagine !

It all starts as soon as you claim your
FREE BONUS Library of Food & Vitamin Cures...

And if just one of his discoveries can slice your health problems in half, imagine what they all could do for you. I've only had space here to scratch the surface of what you'll find in your FREE BONUS Library.
You'll get full details - and Dr. Wright's comprehensive instructions - covering everything you've read above and so much more, like:
  • SHRINKING UTERINE FIBROIDS. This ancient Chinese herbal therapy could make more thanhalf of all fibroid surgeries unnecessary. In an open study, it improved the fibroids for 60% of premenopausal women. Sure beats the knife!
  • ASTONISHING ASTHMA FACT. Scientists have known for decades that nearly 80% of asthmatic children share one glaring nutritional problem. By no coincidence, Dr. Wright has found that he can relieve wheezing in 80% of asthmatic kids through the use of ONE vitamin. Let him show you how.
  • VARICOSE VEIN VANISHING ACT. Don't just suffer and blame your heredity. You're probably just not getting enough of a very important food! Lack of it creates extra pressure inside your intestines, and this swells the veins in your legs. The remedy is so easy.
  • THE BURSITIS BUSTER. Often bursitis is simply a signal that you're deficient in good old vitamin B12. Supplement correctly and all the aching can go away. But you must take a form that your body can handle. Let Dr. Wright tell you what works best.
  • THE PSORIASIS SENSATION. Woodrow D. tried steroid creams, "tar" preparations, prednisone, you name it. Nothing worked for long until he tried the simple solution suggested by Dr. Wright. Now he's got normal skin (and a new girlfriend). If you're suffering, you've got to try it too.

All these life-giving discoveries
and many more, FREE

To claim your FREE Bonus Library of Food & Vitamin Cures, just click the button below. You'll get all 7 lifesaving, life-giving volumes, plus...

on today's most honored
alternative health newsletter

When Dr. Wright's colleagues honored him with The Linus Pauling Award, they gave special praise to his cutting-edge health advisory, Nutrition & Healing.
This is the only alternative health newsletter I know of that counts so many doctors among its subscribers. Because it's the real stuff. The first place where you'll learn what new breakthroughs are coming down the road from natural medicine's living legend.
Everything's reported in crystal-clear language, telling you exactly how to go out and do it. So if your doctor ever questions any remedy you read about here, just whip out your newsletter and produce the proof. Any truly objective doctor can't help being impressed with the quality of Dr. Wright's research. (Warning: your doctor may ask to keep the issue!)
No other newsletter of its kind is more respected by natural physicians and actually used by them to heal their own patients. And no other newsletter will do more to heal you...
Because this isn't just "health news" - each issue is like a complete instruction book for healing yourself. Complete with dosages. Sources for the hard-to-find nutrients Dr. Wright recommends. And all the "pros" and "cons" that you (and your doctor!) need to make an informed decision. And, remember, these are the treatments Dr. Wright uses on his own patients day after day.

Just click the button below. Do it now!

It saves you 50% on your subscription to Dr. Wright's Nutrition & Healing. And brings you Dr. Wright's complete library for reversing nearly a hundred "incurable" conditions, including his most acclaimed formulas and programs, FREE with your subscription.
There's no obligation to continue your subscription unless you're thrilled with your first issue. If you're not, just say the word, we'll send you a full pro-rated refund and you can keep your FREE BONUS GIFTS.
Just promise me you'll start using your FREE BONUS GIFTS as soon as you get them...
And as soon as you do, I promise, you'll feel a little stronger every morning, feel a little less pain every evening, until one fine day, you wake and realize...

"I'm not just better, I FEEL FANTASTIC!"

I guarantee your day will arrive very soon. Or just tell us and we'll send you a prompt refund on all remaining issues. You'll KEEP YOUR FREE BONUS GIFTS no matter what.
Fair enough? So do let me hear from you now.
Let Dr. Wright push the envelope of what's possible for you...

Let his breakthroughs break open the door to a
new world where miracles really do happen...

Make it happen today! Subscribe now.
Here's to the dawn of a bright new day in your health,
Christine O'Brien
Editor, Nutrition & Healing

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