This story from Joanne says it all...
"I am the mother of 3 teenagers. I was diagnosed with diabetes and my doctor put me on the prescription drug Metformin® and then also on a statin drug. I had unbearable side effects. I got bad stomach cramps and felt ill. I became extremely tired (always), depressed and couldn't function on a day to day basis.
"I got your tips. It was the best thing I've ever done in my life. Ultimately, was able to move off drugs. It was so simple and straightforward, so easy. My sugar levels are down, and my energy level is up. I now go to the gym and have lost weight."
Amazing story, isn't it? Joanne's true story is just one from many people who have gained remarkable relief from their health problems.
If you have high blood sugar, pre-diabetes or diabetes, there is a proven clinical discovery that NO other doctor I know of will tell you about.
And I should know. I have treated thousands of patients since 1995, when I became an M.D., board certified in Family Medicine.
In my practice, I noticed the drugs I was prescribing were not helping people as much as they claimed they would , and OFTEN gave them bad side effects and MORE health problems that needed more drugs. This downward health spiral bothered me a lot .
In my opinion, the drugs I was prescribing were doing my patients more harm than good, but the "Medical Establishment" just kept recommending I prescribe these drugs, or every new drug that came out on the market .
My frustration led me to study other ways of helping patients, and I discovered that certain nutrients had studies showing they worked amazingly well, and with no side effects. I started telling my patients about these "natural wonders' ... and they worked great with no side effects!
My studies found that in America we spend more money per person on diabetes drugs and medical care than any other country in the world, and we still don't even rank in the top 15 countries for longevity.
I even left a huge hospital system (UCLA) to go off on my own so I can treat patients how I want to - almost totally drug-free.
Please ... don't let another M.D.'s ignorance or faulty "drugs first" Mainstream Medicine make you a victim of the American Diabetic Death March.
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